They gave it to the cartoon network and I was see every day, the only problem is that to my sister don't liked it because she is frightened and in this moment I was have a change the channel.↠
↞Although the program is for childs, many were afraid because Coraje (the dog, and main character) had to protect to Muriel and Justo, his owners, of differents thing paranormal and aliens, that´s why many children did not see, they were afraid.↠
↞Was issued for 3 years, since the year 1999 to 2002 , they canceled it for being terrifying, parents did not like that they broadcast this content, they did not consider it appropiate.↠
↞The truth is that no series or movie has caused fear, in fact the horror movies I don´t like, because they bored me, but this program is more that only horror, because Coraje loved muriel so much that faced her fears to save her, for that I like so much this program.↠