martes, 9 de abril de 2019

A Hobby

↞One of my Hobbies is reading, the truth that when I was a little I did not like read , however later I discovered that what I didn´t like were read the books of the school!!, I started reading books for pleasure since 2013.↠

↞I like to read in the divan or the bed, because it is more comfortable, but for time generaly I read in the public transport for save time and to make the road more entertaining.↠

↞To this I need : 
- Glasses 
- Bookmark 
- Post it 
- A cat or else a dog 
- Natural Ligth or a lamp↠

↞Generally I read in the vacation, because I have more time and I don´t have worries or jobs of the university, besides I can read bigger books and that its so funny!!, however I as said before equally I read in the public transport for time.↠



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