martes, 25 de junio de 2019

A book

↞Today I am going to talk about the genre that I like to read, when I was little I do not like reading books, because according to me they were boring and always made me sleepy, but over the years I knew that the school books were boring, However, I had friends who loved to read and insisted so much that I read that I was curious, so one afternoon I searched the internet for books and started to read the synopsis to see if it caught my attention and that was it, so I read it and I was fascinated, because the book generates several changes of plot, and everything I thought begins to be different, this book is called throne of glass, which was fantasy, as soon as I finished I began to read the second, unfortunately the third has not yet I left when I finished the second so I had to wait for years and now finally the 5 books of that saga have come out.
after reading the second as I could not continue with the rest I had to look for more books and there I experimented with several genres, however I still stay with the fantasy or epic fantasy, that same I read of the other genres.
In that year it was when I began to read a lot, when I arrived from school it was the only thing I could do, hours and hours, sometimes I slept very little to finish the books, on a winter vacation I read 10 books in 14 days! I slept little, but it was fun.
I like fantasy because it is very different from reality, and makes you transport to another place completely invented according to the imagination of the author↠


miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

An artist

↞The artist I'm going to talk about is Patricio Fuente, he's a photographer and I basically know him in person because he was from my school, in fact his sister is a friend of mine and now he's also my friend, he started photography as he did about 5 years ago, In fact, he started at school and took pictures of his girlfriend, he is currently working in a discotheque of Harbard in Concepción, and he is an excellent photographer, in fact he won a contest and went to London for a few days! The first photo that I will put down is the winner of the contest and others from when he was in London.
I like their work because the way to take the photos and the edition that implements them I love, their style is between vibrant and dark at the same time, it generates a contrast in their photos, in fact for my fourth degree I took several photos , and thanks to him I have saved pictures with the teachers and with my family! for the pictures taken at school were one or two per student.
Even though he won the contest he is still not very well known, but I hope that in the future his work will be more recognized.↠


jueves, 13 de junio de 2019

A friend

↞Talking about a single friend is very difficult, because I have the best, both in Santiago and in Chillán, my city, however this time I will talk about a friend of Chillán, because we have spent years with this beautiful friendship,she called is Nicole, but always I called Nicky, we met in fourth basic, however we became friends in the eighth grade, from there we have had millions of adventures, it's been 7 years since the laughter and the different nonsense that have happened to us have passed, at school we never sat together, because we we laughed too much, that's if we always did the work, but where we finished them fast, we had a lot of time to laugh and make jokes in class, also another thing that brought us together was the dance, because we were in charge of creating choreographies for the different events that the school did, so that sometimes they gave us permission to leave school! And there suddenly the aunts of the toilet saw us dying of the laughter !!, when we chose positions to the beginning of year we sat down separated but near, we could not be so long time away, and when we had to unite the scientists we always sat together , laughter was the best, we came to mourn so many laughs! Sometimes the weekend she would go to my house or I to her and we would see a film or we would go out to visit our respective villas. When I entered the university we had the big problem that I was coming to Santiago and there we separated a bit, because we saw each other every day and now as once per semester, but still we continue with this beautiful friendship, she has been a great support for me, because always although I have always been someone happy sometimes it was impossible not to be sad, but she always gave me encouragement and thus mutually reinforced our friendship, it is for all this that I love her!,


martes, 4 de junio de 2019

A walk you would like to do again

↞One of the walks that I would do again is a trekking we did with my uncle and my cousin to the Juncal glacier! This is in the valley of Aconcagua. first we got there in a van, the place had parking lots, there they gave you a little talk about the place before starting the walk, they explained that it was a place in conservation that is why although it is private, it is charged to spend to continue maintaining the sector. in addition there are animals such as foxes, pumas, etc.
The route to the glacier is about 18 km approximately, we started the trekking as at 11 in the morning and we finished it at 5 in the afternoon, I liked this place because although it was hard the road had different stages, at the beginning It was all with grass, then we came to a place with only land, later there was nothing but rocks, and finally we arrived to the glaciers, in fact we trekking on them !. something fun that happened to me that day was that when we were on the glaciers it made me sleepy, but my uncle and my cousin wanted to continue, so I stayed sleeping on a glacier while they went to see a little further, and when we returned I finished the tour half an hour before them! That hour of sleep I recovered and I finished it with all possible encouragement!↠